Friday, February 11, 2022


 Storyboarding is a visual representation of shots using single panels. The process of storyboarding  includes listing shot numbers, shot duration, composition sketch, and a brief description of what is happening in the shot. In the description, it's also good to put what mood the filmmakers wants to create in the shot. In previous projects, I've done a storyboard by hand and on the computer. My group members and I agreed to conduct our storyboard for our portfolio project through the application studio binder.

My group member Jeremmiah Acrius and I will be acting in the majority opening. I will play our main character, a 15 year old girl named Kiera, while he will act as the man in the flashback. Our last member Shonna Lauriston, will play the man's dead wife. All she has to do is pose. When planned out the storyboard shots, we worked out the three characters we wanted to include and chose the parts wanted to play. I'm the lead since I'm the most comfortable in front of the camera and have experience from my previous projects. Jeremmiah has agreed to play the man since he also has experience and fits the character we envisioned. The the flashback scene we will prepare a change of comfortable clothes to fit the scene of being late at night. 

My film will take place at school. We want to including abandon and isolated shots of places around the school because it's a big part our storyline. We also wanted to introduce the main character at school. We have yet to decide if the flashback scene in the bedroom scene will be easier  to do in front of a green screen or at home. The bathroom scene will be done at school. 

My film will look like a convectional opening sequence of a thriller. We will first start off with a flashback scene that takes place in the bedroom, with a male character at night who gets a calls phone predicting his wife's death. This is a conventional method within the genre. We will convey this by the background, and the comfortable pajama like clothing of the man. We wanted to include a bedside table next to him with a phone, a glass of water, and a lamp which will providing lighting within the scene. He will also be holding a book. We will then do isolated and abandon shots of the school to establish the setting. The last scene will be of the main character walking in school. We also want to use a tint of black and white within the film. We are unsure of where we want to use that aspect yet. Through out the film we will use high pitch music to stay with convection. 

For the shooting schedule, we will have 2 weeks to film all the shots we need at school. We will be provided a class period of 1 hour and 30 minutes to film. We maybe also have addition time before and after school to film for our opening. We will be using an iPhone 12 landscape to film.

We may need to record the phone call conversation separately the flashback scene so it c
an be heard through the growing music that creates suspense. Other than that, we should be able to find the sounds we need, heartbeat, heavy breathing, and a door creaking on YouTube. 

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Final Production